来源:江南官网app下载 时间:2024-03-09
Jakub Peciak
Deputy Principal of Primary School
高柏校长在双语教育和国际教育领域经验超过13年。在此期间,他领导过的三所学校均通过了IB PYP的申请程序,这些学校现在都是经过IB PYP授权的世界学校。
在过去的职业生涯中,高柏校长曾担任过IB小学的班主任、IB PYP协调员、国际部协调员、副校长和校长。高柏校长坚信教育系统内部需要创新——他在校外的业余时间里,高柏校长致力于减少食物浪费和改变年轻人的饮食习惯,追求一个可持续的未来。
Jakub holds an MA in Economics from the University of Wroclaw and an Executive MA in International Educational Leadership and Change (cum laude) from the Hong Kong University of Education. He is currently starting the second year of research at the University of Oxford towards his MSc in Teacher Education. Jakub has been involved in Chinese bilingual and international education for over 13 years.
During that time, he has led three schools through the IB PYP application process, all of which are now IB PYP authorized world schools.
Jakub has had the opportunity of working in the roles of IB homeroom teacher, IB PYP coordinator, international department coordinator, deputy principal and principal of an IB primary school. Jakub strongly believes in the need for innovation within the educational system - he dedicates a large part of his time outside school to fighting food waste and changing the eating habits of our youth, in pursuit of a more sustainable future.
Q.“Jakub 校长,你对双语教育的理念是怎样理解的呢?”
"What is your understanding of bilingual education?"
As I have had the privilege and opportunity of developing working proficiency in three languages I’ve been able to experience first-hand the cultural and cognitive benefits associated with bi- and multilingualism. It is my deeply-held belief that true bilingualism extends beyond a good command of the languages themselves, and well into the social, cognitive, and meta-cognitive skills that can only be acquired through exposure to holistic and concept-based education. It is within this setting of deep inquiry into the subject content, guided by the local and foreign teachers, that students are awarded the opportunities of developing the neural connections found only in the bilingual brain. That is why it is imperative for the school to provide students with daily opportunities for individualized and academically rigorous interaction with the bilingual content and pedagogy.
“What do you plan to bring to the school? What is your goal for your students this year?”
Given my prior experience in the IB inquiry-driven and concept-based education, I aim to share my understanding of holistic education with all members of the NAS Shenzhen community – students, parents, and teachers alike. I am also a proponent of positive educational approaches that lead to the development of school-wide cultures grounded in mutual respect and student agency. I will aim to build and support a proactive culture that motivates all members of the school community to strive to be the best version of themselves.
Building on my research in Teacher Education, my goals for this year are to support the implementation of thematic learning within the IPC framework, the development of positive behavior in the school’s program, and the enhancement of the STEAM focus within the primary school. I also look forward to spending some time on educating the community about food and plate waste.
“ How long have you been working in Asia / What made you decided to move to China?”